An open letter from the Astrofest committee to SEQAS

The Queensland Astrofest was first held in 1993 and has been held every subsequent year up to 2019. The world then went on pause as we all focused on the health and well-being of communities at large; gatherings of people were restricted.  Perhaps only when something is halted, do we fully appreciate its importance, and this is certainly true for this iconic astronomical event; an event which plays such a powerful role in popularising astronomy across all people in our communities, young and old alike.

It is difficult to concisely encapsulate what Astrofest means to the thousands of people that have attended the event over the past 29 years, from its humble beginnings in 1993 to the well-known and much-loved occasion it has become, run under the auspices of several Queensland Astronomical societies, including SEQAS. The event brings together people from all different paths in life to enjoy a shared experience, to both teach and to learn from others and to pass on their passion to the next generation.

We would also very much like to acknowledge the extremely generous support we have received from our sponsors over the years and they have really stepped up this year to make the return of Astrofest better than ever.  Full details of all our sponsors and the prizes they have donated this year, along with registration can be found on the Astrofest website.

Sponsors this year include:

  • Astro Anarchy
  • Celestron
  • Optolong
  • Palmway Optical
  • SailPoint
  • Skywatcher
  • Testar
  • UNIFY Solutions

We look forward to seeing SEQAS strongly represented amongst those attending.

SEQAS is especially proud of the role it has played in the early genesis of an event that would go on to become one of the most enduring Astro Camps in the world today.  We encourage all our members to indulge themselves and attend one or more nights to appreciate how special the event is.

Any email regarding this site can be sent to the webmaster. Last Updated: July 2021. This site is © SEQAS 2014, All Rights Reserved. Website designed by Alex Colvin