SEQAS provides many free community activities, such as Urban Observers, Dark Sky nights and away camps. Come on in and see the stars, planets, nebulae, and galaxies in the night sky.
We can help you make the right decision when looking to buy a telescope or give you some guidance in using your telescope if you are having problems with handling it. Our members have many years of experience in the field of amateur astronomy and we would love to help you get the most out of this fascinating hobby. :)
Free community star viewing
Become a part of the club!
Let your students see the moon and planets up close through our telescopes.
Get away for a weekend of dark skies and see faint deep sky objects like galaxies, nebulae and more!
No events found
After a long hiatus, the club was to host two school nights during August. Unfortunately, Shorncliffe has now been cancelled twice due to weather and it is unsure if the school will try to reschedule this coming term or not.
No events found
January 2025 - Update
Tomorrow (Tuesday 21st) will be the first ordinary meeting for the year - Bracken Ridge library from 7.30pm
The January Newsletter is now available - members should have received a copy.
This coming Saturday (25th January) will host an extra Urban Observer's session - yet to be confirmed. This will be a little different than other sessions in that the moon will not be visible. THis should allow viewing of some deeper sky objects albeit, still a suburban sky. Details will appear on the Facebook page closer to the event.
January 2025
Welcome to a New Year - later this month (Tuesday 21st) will be the first ordinary meeting for the year - Bracken Ridge library from 7.30pm
At this stage, an Urban Observers evening is planned for the 8th February - check the Facebook page closer to the event for further details
November 2024
Tuesday (19th November) will be the last ordinary meeting for the year - Bracken Ridge library from 7.30pm
Don't forget the last club function of the year - the Christmas party Saturday 7th December - details will be emailed out to members shortly.
The Astronomy 2025 yearbook is also now avilable for those who requested a copy - details for payment and receipt have been provided to members via email
September 2024
Unfortunately, the planned school night at Shorncliffe State School was cancelled again, and it is unsure if the school will try to reschedule the event or not.
The club has had two successful outings this month - the camp at Watts Bridge was treated to good seeing conditions at night, albeit, the days were a bit warm, and International Observe the Moon Night at the Bracken Ridge Reserve was enjoyed by everyone who attended.
THe next meeting will be held Tues 17th Setp at the Bracken Ridge Library and will be preceeded by the AGM starting at 7.30pm. A reminder that the current president and treasurer will be stepping down - these two positions need to be filled. Are you able to help with one or the other; or perhaps some other position on the committee?
Following the AGM, John Chapman Smith from the UK will speak about solar observing - some may remember John from his previous visit.
This months newsletter includes some more questions from the AstroQuiz held earlier in July - how did you go with last month's questions?
Finally, the last camp for the year will be held at Watts Bridge 4th-7th October - hope to see you there.
August 2024 - Update
Unfortunately, the planned school night at Shorncliffe State School was cancelled and has been rescheduled for Wednesday, 11th September. More details will be provided closer to the event, but it is expected that about 100 students will be attending and it would be great if we could get about ten or more member telescopes set up for the night. If you able to help on the night, either with a telescope or just supervision of the students, please let Julie know.
About 30 familys attended the Pine Community School viewing on the Friday night, and whilst the evening started off looking like it would be clouded out, by the time Julie had finished a brief description of what was on display through the telescopes, conditions were quite good. Both the parents and students were very enthusiastic and I think it is fair to say that everyone had an enjoyable time. Thanks to those four members who were in attendance with their telescopes.
Don't forget the annual general meeting in September - at this stage, the current president and treasure are stepping down, These positions need to be filled for the club to continue. Think about how you may be able to help - Committee Member, Librarian, Caterer etc..
August 2024
The astronomy quiz held at last month's ordinary general meeting proved to be very popular - challenging questions, pizza and drinks - what more do you need. A big thanks to John for compiling the questions and then hosting the night. For those unable to attend, questions and answers will appear in upcoming newsletters.
This month, there are two planned school nights - Shorncliffe on Thursday 15th Aug and the Pine Community School on Friday 16th Aug. More details will be provided to members in the coming days. It is expected that about 100 students will be attending the event at Shorncliffe on the Thursday night and it would be great if we could get about ten or more member telescopes set up for the night. If you able to help either night, contact Julie.
Also, a reminder that the annual general meeting is coming up in September and at this stage, the current president and treasure are stepping down - these positions need to be filled for the club to continue. Think about what role you may be able to take in the club - committee menmber, section head, catering. librarian etc. and come along to the AGM 17th September 2024.
Don't forget the photo comps running again this year - any astronomy related image taken this year up until the 30th Sept, and an image of the moon taken during 'International Observe the Moon Night' on 14th Sept. Winners will be announced at the end of year Christmas party.
Next weekend camp at Watts Bridge will be at the end of the month, Friday 30th Aug to Monday 2nd Sept - more details closer to the event.
Also, keep an eye out on the Urban Observers facebook page for the next viewing session
July 2024
This coming weekend (Fri July 5th - Mon Jul 8th), the club will be holding a weekend camp at Watt's Bridge - details were recently sent out to all members. These camps are a great opportunity to observe the night sky under darker sky conditions then we experience in Brisbane, and a chance for members to share tips and information with other members in a friendly setting for a few days. Unfortunately, the weather plays a major part in our activity, so keep an eye out for email updates closer to the weekend.
An Urban Observers session is scheduled for Sat 13th July. Gates will open around 4:30pm - check the facebook page closer to the time for further details.
The much anticipated Astro-Quiz will be held at the next general meeting, Tuesday 16th July at the Bracken Ridge Library, starting at 7:30pm. Pizza and drinks will be available for those at the meeting prior to tackling a range of questions related to all things Astronomical - members are encouraged to attend if possible to participate in what should be a great night.
A copy of the new constitution and by-laws approved by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (3rd May 2024) is now available in the member's content area.
Any email regarding this site can be sent to the webmaster. Last Updated: July 2021. This site is © SEQAS 2014, All Rights Reserved. Website designed by Alex Colvin